En la heladeri­a...
Una merengada por favor, de oreo, con extra de pirulines, con panna y sin la galleta maluca esa, gracias :3

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Todavia ando sin casa, viviendo a que mi abuela... hay que ver lo gafo que es uno... ya llegaron las luces a Bella Vista asi que me mudare el año que viene?? LLORO D':

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Este es mi ultimo día con internet... en este ultimo día de mudanza noté que me faltaba bastante inútil, pero una rareza, una tarjeta telefónica de Bs. 100 (si, cien, no mil, cien!) de las aguaditas, a las que el tarjetero les hacia huequitos cuando la usabas... estaba dentro de un álbum lleno de tarjetas de Mexico (nunca he ido, pero mami si y me las traía dado que yo nunca botaba las que usaba de aqui) bueno, pues resulta que al parecer en medio del ataque de botar lo inútil que le entro a mi madre agarro y la botó con todo y álbum, es que al parecer el valor sentimental de las cosas esta directamente ligado a su utilidad para ella... en fin, cosas van... cosas vienen... solo espero que me quede algo de aquí a mi destino, total, que tantas cosas se pueden perder en un mes?

Monday, April 09, 2007


Hoy viene el camión a buscar las cosas y yo todavía ando con todos mis peroles en el piso... si sigo asi me van a dejar en la casa y mami le dirá a los nuevos dueños:
"Ella? ahhh si, ella estaba incluida, se me olvido mencionarlo antes?"
y ahora una foto de mi cuarto ^^
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Another test :o

Your score on this personality test was 82%

Others see you as an exciting, highly volatile, rather impulsive personality; a natural lead, who's quick to make decisions, though not always the right ones. They see you as bold and adventuresome, someone who will try anything once; someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure. They enjoy being in your company because of the excitement you radiate.

Personality Quiz
Take More Quizzes

Lo que hay de nuevo...

Después de años de abandono, decidí (por influencias ajenas y una especie de intercambio loco) actualizar mi myspace, algún día le escribiré algo XD pero véanlo anyway

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I found this around :p I love MCR

creo que lo debería poner permanentemente a la derecha, que opinan?

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Los recientes acontecimientos me han llevado a pensar en que todo lo que he intentado hacer todos estos años ha sido en vano, he tratado de cambiarme a mi misma convencida de que hay algo malo en mi, pero parece que cada cosa que intento da malos resultados, nunca he tratado de mentir, siempre intento algo y adapto mi comportamiento a eso, nunca muy alejado de mi verdadero ser, porque la idea no es cambiar radicalmente hasta el punto que te sientes incomodo dentro de tu propia piel, todo cambio debe ser gradual y consistente, creo yo que eso ha sido, por lo menos en mi caso.

En el transcurso de aproximadamente 6 años he tratado de cambiar, pero que había de malo antes que me impulsó a esta búsqueda hasta ahora interminable? bueno, en cierto punto me quede sola, pero no por algo malo hecho por mi, fue algo, alguien, la única persona que yo mantuve a mi lado, traicionó mi confianza hasta el punto que decidí no dar segundas oportunidades, ni ha esa persona ni a nadie (claro, esa decisión no tuvo mucho sentido después de un tiempo), pero no fue un error en mi forma de actuar... solo que en medio de mi desesperación y soledad llegué a pensar que fue todo mi culpa, ahora se que no es así, no pudo haberlo sido, uno no puede detener lo impredecible (o si?).

Lo que fui y lo que soy no son tan diferentes en este punto, dado que mi "old self" ha logrado escaparse un poco de mi control últimamente, lo malo es que si no esta acompañado de todo lo demás que lo compone resulta ilógico e inconsistente con lo que parezco ser, pero eso solo pasa en situaciones de extremo stress emocional y pasa porque esas situaciones no fueron planificadas al momento del cambio, de hecho, el cambio fue básicamente para evitar dichas situaciones, para protegerme y no quedarme sola de nuevo...

Algo que hay que nombrar es que debido a años de reprimir la parte "negativa" de personalidad, llega al punto de una explosión incontrolable de lagrimas, odio y violencia, cosas que siempre han estado latentes dentro de mi, pero al dejarlas salir todo el tiempo eran mucho mas sutiles que al acumularlas. Reprimirlas sonaba bien, pero en verdad esa era la causa de mi soledad? se ahora que no, me quede sola porque después de una traición así no quise confiar en nadie y me alejé de todos, by choice, lo bueno en mi compensaba lo malo, pero en el momento no lo vi así.

Entonces un buen cambio sería volver a ser lo que era, ahora mas madura y consciente de que no tengo la culpa de todo, eso tampoco significa que proyectaré la culpa en los demás. Solo tenía que entender que todo pasa por alguna razón y aunque en el momento es difícil ver que "no hay mal que por bien no venga" siempre tengo que creer en mi misma y ser fiel a quien soy. Después de casi 6 años he descubierto que el mejor cambio es ser uno mismo y creer en que uno no tiene porque tratar de ser nadie mas.

Mi mamá acaba de traerme el horóscopo de estampas de esta semana:
Tauro: Marzo 25 -> 31, 2007
Semana para proponerse cambios importantes porque no quieres perder tiempo. Dedica un minuto de tu tiempo al levantarte para agradecer a Dios por todo lo que cruza en tu camino. Ten precaución a quien confías tus cosas, no todo el mundo es buen amigo(a). Empleo: Te llama una persona que tienes tiempo sin ver y te hará una propuesta muy estable. Amor: No quieres caer en los mismos errores del pasado, quieres dar en la misma medida que recibes. Salud: Problemas nasales. Azar: 93 - 39. Consejo: No te desanimes, si una puerta se cierra, fortalécete y verás las cosas de otra manera.

Suena como si me decisión es resultado de una influencia de los astros, que raro...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The end

This is what i get for trying to be honest and open in a relationship...

"- - Víctor Cadenas - dice (04:06 p.m.):
well, i didn't like what i found..."

From now on i know the best way to go is to lie... Never be yourself!

Monday, March 19, 2007


For many years i've been looking for the perfect milkshake, why? well I'll tell you...
A few years ago my dad took me to a place called "Funnel Cake Factory & Churros World" he said i had to try the funnel cake, we ordered one, with strawberries and syrup, it wasnt as good as he said :p so i asked if i could get a milkshake... al that time for me a milkshake was toddy, and even cerelac, so when i see i can choose from many ice cream flavors i went with oreo (safe bet), the girl took some oreo ice cream, pirulines and milk and she mixed them togeter, in the glass she served she used chocolate and caramel syrup as decoration befor pouring and on top of that some wipped cream and some more syrup, and oreo cookie, two pirulines and "lluvia de chocolate" (chocolate rain? :S) and 2 straw with a spoon shaped end... it was so good... i was sad because it was expensive (Bs. 2100) and not too near of my house (en la calle 72 creo que donde esta Zucco o uno de esos locales) so when they moved to doral (2.5 blocks away from my house) i used to get one everytime i had the money :) when they closed i started trying other places (all of them less expensive, around Bs. 1800, but with less ingredients) and they were ok, never good... :'(
Today, i went to sambil with my brother, and he wanted a milkshake, me too, but i had no money, i'm standing there, looking at ice cream flavors while he pays, when i see the pirulin favored ice cream, and oreo ice cream, i asked my brother if he could get me a milkshake to, and he does! :D (i'll pay him back) and the milkshake was almost as good as the funnel cake factory one (maybe not, it's been like 5 years now, i think), next time i have money i'll ask the girl (there is always a girl) to put some chocolate syrup and panna (wipped cream) to see how it goes :D (i'll keep missing the spoon straws...)

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

In other news XD i was reading this the other day Ted, The Caver Story it's good, (read it), my friend Jac told me to read it, and that i could find it at this post Uudenvuodenaatto (if you want to check it out)

And now look a drawing in my left hand :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Theory Of A Dead Man - "No Way Out"

Such a beautiful face
Such a beautiful waste I say
Just when you think I'm lost you found your way
That little angel on my shoulder says
Not to do those things you did
That little angel on my shoulder screams
"I think I lost my way"

So take your thoughts and run away
From a god who ain't much of a know-it-all
So follow me and hold your breath again till I say when
Did I say when?

Such a beautiful land
Such a beautiful sin I say
(A sinner say)
Just when you pull me in I push away
(I push away)
That little devil on my shoulder says
I'll make you do those things you did
That little devil on my shoulder screams
"I think you found your way"

So take your thoughts and run away
From a god who ain't much of a know-it-all
So follow me and hold your breath again till I say when
Did I say when?

There's no way out for you
But you can follow me, just follow me down
There's no way out for you
So just follow me, just follow me down

Your god ain't much of a know-it-all
Your god ain't much of a know-it-all
Your god ain't much of a know-it-all
Your god ain't much of a
No, he's nothing at all

There's no way out for you
But you can follow me, just follow me down
There's no way out for you
So just follow me, just follow me down

There's no way out for you

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Mas Quizzes!! yay!!

What's your Japanese Name?

Your Japanese Name Is...

Suki Aburakoji

How Happy Are You, Really?

You Are Pretty Happy

You generally have a happy, fulfilling life.
But things could be a little better, and deep down, you know it.
Maybe you need more supportive friends or a more challenging career.
Something is preventing you from being totally happy. You just need to figure out what it is!

Are You Ready for Marriage?

You Are 48% Ready for Marriage

You aren't quite ready for marriage, but you're getting close.
You still have a few relationship issues to work out - whether it's with your current partner or someone new.

What Planet Are You From?

You Are From Pluto

You are a dark, mysterious soul, full of magic and the secrets of the universe.
You can get the scoop on anything, but you keep your own secrets locked in your heart.
You love change and you use it to your advantage, whether by choice or chance.
You don't like to compromise, to the point of being self-destructive with your stubborness.
Live life with love, and your deep powers will open the world to you.

What Season Are You?

You Belong in Fall

Intelligent, introspective, and quite expressive at times...
You appreciate the changes in color, climate, and mood that fall brings
Whether you're carving wacky pumpkins or taking long drives, autumn is a favorite time of year for you.

How Intuitive Are You?

You Are 56% Intuitive

Your intuition is often right, and you use it more than you may realize.
Your gut feelings are usually a good guide, but you need more to go on when making a decision.
You'll often check to see if the facts back up your feelings.
And when your intuition is wrong, you work to improve it for the future.

What's Your Hidden Talent?

Your Hidden Talent

You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system.
And while this may not seem big, it can be.
It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes.
You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices.

Do You Have an Addictive Personality?
Your Personality is 58% Addictive

You may have an addictive personality, but you have it mostly under check.
Just don't start any new bad habits, okay?

Thursday, March 08, 2007

What Turns You On?

Take this test at Tickle
a Wild Adventure turns you on

Why is danger so sexy? Who knows, but it's no surprise that another free spirit willing to try anything is what gets you going. After all, you've been some sort of daredevil all your life. And that's exactly what brings sparks to your love life.

Whether you were sneaking out of high school early, pushing the envelope rock climbing, or traveling the world with nothing but a passport and a backpack, you've always been on the hunt for life's biggest thrills. That's why when it comes to the opposite sex, you want the same excitement, wonder, confidence, and sense of adventure. Just be sure you both pack a lot of Band-Aids for the ride.

Brought to you by Tickle

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)High
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Extreme
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very High

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

Sunday, February 18, 2007


I'M MOVING!!! YEAH!!!! I'm happy :3